The Laundromat
Of The Finger Lakes Region
Geneva: (315) 325-4740   Waterloo: (315) 651-4466

Do you own a Finger Lakes Rental Property? 

We are currently adding customers to our laundry service for 2024 which includes free pickup and drop-off.

We service several 100 rental and vacation properties throughout the Finger Lakes Region.  

Our laundry services for the 2024 vacation rental season has started. Call us today!

Laundromat 45 Lbs. Dryers
Laundry Depot Loyal Program
Laundromat Credit Card Washer

People come from 30 different communities in the Finger Lakes Region to Laundry Depot.

  • Laundry Depot laundromats offer Bright, clean, comfortable laundromats feature Free WIFI, Cable TV, $10 ATM, and Same Day Wash and Fold Service, 
  • Can’t find change or short on cash? Our Credit/Debit Card Customer Loyalty Program is the first of its’ kind.  Get One Free Wash for every ten you purchase.
  • Our new 65 and 55 pound Washers and 45 pound reversible Dryers helps you get in and out
    in less than an hour.
Laundromat - Laundry Depot Geneva

Laundry Depot Laundromats Save You Time And Money

Laundry Depot College Wash

Veterans and College students pay just $1.35 per pound for wash/dry/fold service.  Make sure you tell all your college friends about this great offer.

Laundromat Wash Dry Fold Laundry Depot

Time is precious. Got Laundry to do, but no time in your schedule? Bring it to us. Same day wash and fold service available, call for more details. Washed, Dried, Folded, and ready to go.

We offer free pickup and delivery for Finger Lakes Regional Vacation Properties and Summer Camps, Wineries, Doctors Offices…and any business with consistent laundry needs.

College Students & Veterans

Wash/Dry/Fold Service

Business Class Service

Veterans and College students pay just $1.35 per pound for wash/dry/fold service.  Make sure you tell all your college friends about this great offer.

Time is precious. Got Laundry to do, but no time in your schedule? Bring it to us. Drop it off weekdays

by 9am and pick it up the same day by 5pm. Washed, Dried, Folded, and ready to go. $1.60 per pound for Wash and Fold. 

We offer free pickup and delivery for Finger Lakes Regional Vacation Properties and Summer Camps, Wineries, Doctors Offices…and any business with consistent laundry needs.

Customer Loyalty Program

Laundry Depot Loyalty Program

Use our Laundry Depot Credit/Debit Card laundromat System and our Customer Loyalty Program will give you one FREE wash for every ten you purchase.

Our loyalty program has given away over 5,000 free washes to date. Contact us for more details. 

Loyalty Program

Two Convenient Laundry Depot Laundromat Locations



Open Monday-Sunday   7am to 9pm

Wash And Fold Winter Hours Monday-Friday 9am to 3pm

(315) 6325-4740

Open Monday-Sunday   6am to 9pm

Wash And Fold Winter Hours Monday-Friday 9am to 3pm

(315) 651-4466


Open Monday-Sunday   7am to 9pm

Wash And Fold Open M-F 9am to 5pm

(315) 325-4740


Open Monday-Sunday  6am to 9pm

Wash And Fold Open M-F 9am to 5pm

(315) 651-4466

The Laundromat
Of The Finger Lakes Region
Geneva: (315) 325-4740  Waterloo: (315) 651-4466